Industry News

Coronavirus (COVID-19) updated statement from Pursuit

Unfortunately there is no rule book for the current situation that we all find ourselves in but with the various UK Government announcements we have taken the decision that all members of staff are now working from home, so we have at this time temporally closed our office.

For our Customer if you have a support question please email our support desk with your question and contact number and we will call you back.

For our suppliers if you have an accounts question please email our accounts team

I would like to say to all our Customers, Colleagues, Friends and Suppliers we are here to support you and if we can be of any help during this time then please get in contact as together we can beat this virus and all be stronger from it.

Mike Burns
Managing Director
Email :

Office No.: +44 1603 263800
Mobile No.: +44 7970021880

Web Site:

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